About Us

Dear visitors,
Welcome to the internet pages of our research group ‘Two-dimensional crystals and heterostructures’. Here, we study the properties of materials that can be isolated as single atomic layers. This reduced dimensionality can drastically change the electronic properties of these materials.
Two-dimensional crystals are the building block for a fascinating new class of solid-state systems: heterostructures consisting of different materials can be stacked controllably, atomic layer by atomic layer. In contrast to growth-based techniques for building heterostructures, such as molecular beam epitaxy, there are no constraints regarding material classes or crystal symmetries using this stacking approach. In these so-called van der Waals heterostructures, we can tailor interlayer interactions to design novel functionalities.
In our research group, we develop fabrication techniques for two-dimensional crystals and heterostructures using deterministic transfer processes. We utilize optical techniques, such as photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy, to study properties of individual two-dimensional crystals and interactions in van der Waals heterostructures.
We invite you to browse our internet pages to learn about our research activities and look forward to getting into contact with you.
With kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Tobias Korn, group leader ‘Two-dimensional crystals and heterostructures’
Group leader:
Prof. Dr. Tobias Korn
Institute for Physics,
Research Building, office 271
Phone: +49 381 498-6820
E-Mail: tobias.korn(at)uni-rostock(dot)de
Jana Mütze
office 274
Phone: +49 381 498-6812
E-Mail: jana.muetze(at)uni-rostock(dot)de